Brianna Williams
The Old Settlers Reunion Association Scholarship for 2016 has been awarded to Brianna Williams. Brianna is a 2016 graduate of Birmingham Wylie Groves High school. She will be a student at College of Wooster in Ohio in the fall of 2016. She plans to major in International Studies/Relations with a minor in Spanish.
Dear OSRA Scholarship Committee
I want to thank the O.R.S.A for this wonderful scholarship opportunity. When I was younger I thought everyone had a rich family history like ours. I can remember thinking "oh no, not that story again." Over time the more I heard them, the more I could see the images in my mind. Their stories became my story and I realized how special our stories are. Now I find myself retelling these same stories. As long as we have these stories the Old Settlers legacy lives on in each of us. I'm honored to have a family history this rich and feel like I can conquer anything that comes my way.​
I'll be attending the College of Wooster in Ohio. I plan to major in International Studies/Relations with a minor in Spanish. Upon college graduation, I plan to join the Peace Corps for at least 2 years. I can't think of a better way to continue to study the cultural, political, and historical relationships than to be immersed in it. Ultimately, I would like to work for the United Nations or become a foreign service worker for the U.S. State Department.
Careers in public service are not usually high paying. This scholarship means a little less debt that I'll have to take on in my 4 years. This scholarship also means that I'll be carrying the legacy of our family as part of my education.